OER indicators for national adoption and impact
Published | September 2018 |
Type of work | Focus session |
Conference | 2nd World OER Congress |
Country | Slovenia, Europe |
Defining a set of indicators to measure OER adoption and impact.(5 minutes) Welcome by the chair Fengchun Miao
(10 minutes) Presentation of OER Indicators Report 2.0 by Lisa Petrides and Cynthia Jimes
(10 minutes) Presentation of evaluating and piloting exercise by Dominic Orr and Ben Janssen
(45 minutes) Active participation: To this aim, participants will break up into 3 groups (assigned randomly) and discuss the survey questions with a focus on their relevance and feasibility. This session will be facilitated by the team of evaluators (Dominic Orr, Ben Janssen, Fred Mulder)
(15 minutes) Presentation of main conclusions: Dominic Orr, Ben Janssen, Fred Mulder. Session moderated by Fengchun Miao
(5 minutes) Closing by the chair Fengchun Miao
Keywords | focus session · UNESCO · working group |
Rights | Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) |
URL | https://www.oercongress.org/event/indicators/ |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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