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CMALT cMOOC: Developing a scalable lecturer professional development framework
Cochrane, Thomas and Narayan, Vickel

PublishedDecember 2017
ConferenceMe, Us, IT! Proceedings ASCILITE2017: 34th International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in the Use of Educational Technologies in Tertiary Education
Pages 216-224
EditorsPartridge, Helen · Davis, Kate · Thomas, J.
CountryAustralia, Oceania

This paper outlines the design stage of a project that reimagines lecturer professional development around a network of communities of practice scaffolded by a cMOOC (connectivist Massive Open Online Course), where sustained collaborative engagement with innovative teaching practice is recognised via established international peer-based professional accreditation pathways such as CMALT (Certified Member of the Association for Learning Technology). Informed by a design based research methodology, the CMALT cMOOC leverages a network of national and international collaboration and innovative teaching expertise, providing an agile and scalable framework to support the development of participants’ CMALT portfolios as evidence of critical engagement with new modes of practice and enhanced student outcomes. The cMOOC is designed based upon up-scaling the researchers’ community of practice (COP) model of lecturer professional development (Cochrane & Narayan, 2016c). Key to this model is the embedding of the scholarship of technology enhanced learning or SOTEL (Haynes, 2016), within lecturer praxis supported by a collaborative curriculum design process. The cMOOC provides a framework to support the development of lecturer COPs across a series of several weeks of participation throughout the academic year. The cMOOC is not conceptualised as a professional development course in the traditional sense, rather a mutual and collaborative initiative of willing participants to work together in order to enhance their understanding and knowledge of technology enhanced learning and teaching. Participation in the cMOOC is open, free and largely participant driven.

Keywords cMOOC · higher education · instructional design · literature review · MOOC accreditation · MOOC research

Published atToowoomba
RightsAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
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