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In Pennsylvania, OER is a 'grassroots effort'
EdScoop Staff [corporate]

Published3 January 2018
Type of workYouTube video interview
Publisheredscoop, Scoop News Group
CountryUnited States, North America

In an interview with EdScoop TV, Jared Mader discusses how Pennsylvania's move to OER aims to empower teachers and districts.

Keywords EdScoop TV · education technology · OER · openly licensed digital materials · SETDA

Published atWashington, D.C
RefereedDoes not apply
RightsCopyright 2018 Edscoop. All rights reserved.
Access date3/15/2018
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Indiana educators benefitting from state's commitment to OER
EdScoop Staff
Candice Dodson describes the work Indiana has done to promote openly licensed digital resources during an interview with EdScoop TV.
Match: EdScoop Staff; United States; North America

Michigan drives efforts to "go open" with statewide OER
EdScoop Staff
Michigan Department of Education is in the process of launching its digital content library on OER Commons, Ann-Marie Mapes says.
Match: EdScoop Staff; United States; North America

Exclusive: Education officials to announce access to openly licensed content for educators
Lestch, Corinne
The Department of Education, along with major technology companies, are slated to announce that federally funded educational materials will be openly licensed to the public.
Match: OER; SETDA; United States; North America

From EDUPUNK to open policy: Critical technology Praxis within higher education
Miller, Jamison
Emerging less than a decade ago, the term EDUPUNK sought to encapsulate the nascent rebellion against the corporatism and neoliberal ideology permeating digital aspects of higher education. A loose association of ...
Match: education technology; United States; North America

Impact of Open Educational Resources on course DFWI rates in undergraduate online education
Shaw, Cassandra S.; Irwin, Kathleen C.; Blanton, Doris
The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the use of Open Educational Resources (OER) and course DFWI (Drop, Fail, Withdrawal, Incomplete) rates at the undergraduate level of an online ...
Match: OER; United States; North America

Exclusive: Former Education Dept. advisor brings OER skills to Mass. school
Lestch, Corinne
Andrew Marcinek, who led the Open Educational Resources movement at the Department of Education, will put his experience into practice as CIO at Worcester Academy.
Match: OER; United States; North America

Substituting Open Educational Resources for Commercial Curriculum Materials: Effects on Student Mathematics Achievement in Elementary Schools
Hilton III, John; Larsen, Ross; Wiley, David; Fischer, Lane
Open Educational Resources (OER) have the potential to replace commercial learning materials in education. An empirical examination of this potential was conducted, comparing the end-of-year mathematics test results of ...
Match: OER; United States; North America

OER impact study: Research report
Masterman, Liz; Wild, Joanna
Executive Summary (partial) Aims The OER Impact Study was conducted between November 2010 and June 2011 by a team from the University of Oxford. Its remit was to investigate university lecturers’ and students’ use ...
Match: OER; United States; North America

Developing open practices in teacher education: An example of integrating OER and developing renewable assignments
Van Allen, Jennifer; Katz, Stacy
This manuscript offers a reasoning for and example of integrating Open Educational Resources (OER) and open pedagogy within a teacher education course. We highlight a collaborative partnership between library faculty ...
Match: OER; United States; North America

Inequitable Impacts of Textbook Costs at a Small, Private College: Results from a Textbook Survey at Gettysburg College
Appedu, Sarah; Elmquist, Mary; Wertzberger, Janelle; Birch, Sharon
Recognizing that higher education settings vary considerably, librarians at Gettysburg College sought to better understand textbook spending behaviors and the effects of costs on our students. We adapted the Florida ...
Match: OER; United States; North America