MOOCs for teacher professional development: Reflections and suggested actions
Pradeep Misra

PublishedMarch 2018
JournalOpen Praxis
Volume 10, Issue 1, Pages 67-77
PublisherInternational Council for Open and Distance Education

Teacher Professional Development (TPD) has become a major policy priority within education systems worldwide. But keeping teachers professionally up-to-date and providing them professional development opportunities on continuing basis is a big challenge. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) can be a cost and resource effective means to complement the traditional methods of professional development of teachers. This optimism is based on the assumption that use of MOOCs will facilitate mass training of teachers as per their convenience and ease. The other assumption is that being MOOCs-based training, it will be easy to adapt it to different cultures and languages. Considering these assumptions, this concept paper which is based on reviews of different reports, documents and research papers - discusses the challenges of TPD, reflects upon promises of using MOOCs for TPD; details initiatives and experiences of using MOOCs for TPD; and suggests actions for promoting the use of MOOCs for TPD.

Keywords MOOCs · teacher professional development · teachers · TPD

RightsAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
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