Implications of the University of South Africa's shift to open distance e-learning on teacher education
Published | 2017 |
Journal | Australian Journal of Teacher Education Volume 42, Issue 9, Pages 111-124 |
Country | South Africa, Africa |
This conceptual and exploratory article seeks to explore the implications of the University of South Africa's (Unisa) shift from open distance learning (ODL) to open distance e-learning (ODeL) on Teacher Education. In addition, the article problematizes the shift as a policy imperative. Unisa's mandate to provide teacher education opportunities to previously disadvantaged African students who were excluded from higher education opportunities by apartheid policies and legislation is considered. With this in mind, the blind spot is that the intended shift from ODL to ODeL presumes existence of a culture of use, and reliance on modern electronic technologies. Put simply, the shift has unintended consequences of perpetuating socio-economic inequalities. In this paper, I shall argue that the promise of global elearning can only be realized if Unisa was to strive for a better understanding of teaching and learning in the context of previously disadvantaged space(s).Keywords | distance education · OER research · open education · professional development |
ISSN | 1835-517X |
Refereed | Yes |
Rights | Informit v4.0 Copyright © 2015 |
URL |;dn=088872030937076;res=IELAPA |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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