Towards a service system for social innovation in education: A possible application of MOOCs
Siddike, Md. Abul Kalam and Kohda, Youji

Type of workSpecial Issue on “Models, technologies and approaches toward widening the open access to learning and education”
JournalKnowledge Management & E-Learning: An International Journal
Volume 8, Issue 1, Pages 124-137
PublisherHong Kong Bao Long Accounting & Secretarial Limited
CountryBangladesh, Hong Kong, Asia

This paper proposes a new service system that explains the process of social innovation (SI) in education in a developing country. We selected 17 Ashoka cases in the field of education in Bangladesh and analyzed them thematically. Results show that targets for SI (educational opportunities, employment opportunities, and additional educational resources) are related to the first phase of SI where social entrepreneurs foster innovative ideas that effectively solve social problems. Results also reveal that support for innovation is related to the second phase of SI, in which the SI becomes a social norm. Applying the process, the paper proposes a design of a new SI through the application of massive open online courses (MOOCs) to teach financial literacy to poor people.

Keywords Bangladesh · developing countries · education · education and finance · social innovation

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