Herzberg, hygiene and the motivation to reuse: Towards a three-factor theory to explain motivation to share and use OER
Published | March 2012 |
Journal | Journal of Interactive Media in Education Volume 2012, Issue 1, Pages 1-18 |
The list of barriers and enablers that influence the use of open educational resources (OER) is extensive. Factors and influences relating to reuse may have been noted within projects, operating within a short time span, or within specific conditions which limit generalizability. Evidence of reuse in practice has often emerged as isolated examples or anecdotes. Which factors are the most significant and which have impact or influence on reuse, and other factors, is largely unexplored. While technical barriers and enablers to reuse have been well addressed in literature on reuse, from reusable learning objects (RLO) to OER, less attention has been given to the purpose of reuse and the motivation of those who choose to share or use reusable learning resources.This paper draws on 222 factors and issues recorded within a longitudinal cross case comparison of five cases within UK HE which collectively address different types of reuse (i.e. sharing and use) facilitation (Pegler, 2011a). Coding and comparison identified three broad and distinctive categories representing the reuse factors noted. These were: Technical (the technical or technological systems supporting reuse, including licensing and rights issues); Quality (the way in which sharers or users may establish or interpret the quality of one resource relative to another); and Motivation (the purpose or motive of the user or sharer of resources). The independent effect of these factors recalls the classic two factor theory of motivation by Herzberg (1968).
Keywords | copyright · Hertzberg · hygiene · influence · IPR · learning objects · motivation · OER · open content · open resources · quality · repurposing · reuse · reward and recognition · RLO |
ISSN | 1365-893X |
Refereed | Yes |
Rights | by/4.0 |
DOI | 10.5334/2012-04 |
Other information | JIME |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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