Opening teaching landscapes: The importance of quality assurance in the delivery of open educational resources
Atenas, Javiera · Havemann, Leo · Priego, Ernesto

PublishedMarch 2014
JournalOpen Praxis
Volume 6, Issue 1, Pages 29-43
EditorGil-Jaurena, Inés

Scholars are increasingly being asked to share teaching materials, publish in open access journals, network in social media, and reuse open educational resources (OER). The theoretical benefits of Open Educational Practices (OEP) have become understood in the academic community but thus far, the use of OER has not been rapidly adopted. We aim to understand the challenges academics face with in attempting to adopt OEP, and identify whether these are related to or stem from the functionalities afforded by current repositories of OER (ROER). By understanding what academics and experts consider good practices, we can develop guidelines for quality in the development of ROER. In this article we present the findings from a study surveying academics using OER and experts who develop and/or work with ROER. We conclude by suggesting a framework to enhance the development and quality of ROER.

Keywords open educational practices · Open Educational Resources · quality assurance · repositories

Other number1
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