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Information management for digital learners: Introduction, challenges, and concepts of personal information management for individual learners
Gooren-Sieber, Stefanie

PublishedMay 2014
PeriodicalVolume Volume 14 of Schriften aus der Fakultät Wirtschaftsinformatik und Angewandte Informatik der Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg, Pages 440
PublisherUniversity of Bamberg Press

ISBNeISBN 978-3-86309-207-8
RefereedDoes not apply
Rights© University of Bamberg Press Bamberg 2014
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Contextualising content across communities: using social tools to share learning
Match: learning objects; repository

Managing the quality of e-learning resources in repositories
Pons, Daniel; Hilera, Jose Ramon; Fernandez, Luis; Pages, Carmen
Virtual learning in engineering education uses e-learning resources in many different ways. These resources are normally stored in learning object repositories (LOR) where they are catalogued with metadata facilitating ...
Match: learning objects; repository

Structuring OER using learning trajectories
Schuwer, Robert; de Vries, Fred
The Wikiwijs program in the Netherlands is experimenting in structuring a repository with digital learning materials by labelling these materials with the learning goals and subjects handled by it. This makes it ...
Match: learning objects; repository

Guest editorial: Open Educational Resources
Duval, Erik; Wiley, David A.
Match: introduction

Bootstrapping a culture of sharing to facilitate Open Educational Resources
Davis, Hugh C.; Carr, Leslie; Hey, Jessie M N.; Howard, Yvonne; et al.
It seems self evident that life for teachers would be simplified if there existed a large corpus of relevant resources that was available for them to re-use, and for inquisitive students to download. The learning object ...
Match: learning objects

MOOC, OER and mass higher education
Balaji, Venkataraman
MOOC, OER and Mass Higher Education, May 2013 by Venkataraman Balaji, Commonwealth of Learning, Based on a report by Professor T V Prabhakar, IIT Kanpur // A key challenge facing the policy makers in many developing ...
Match: learning objects

An open education resource supports a diversity of inquiry-based learning
Schmidt-Jones, Catherine; McGreal, Rory; Conrad, Dianne
There have been numerous calls for research that demonstrates how open education resources (OERs) are actually being used. This case study sought to shed light on the users of a well-visited set of modular ...
Match: learning objects

Diseño técnico – Pedagógico de objetos de aprendizaje adaptados a estilos de aprender
Ortuño, Rosalynn Argelia Campos; Morgado, Erla Mariela Morales; Serran, María José Hernández
Resumen La influencia que ha tenido la irrupción de las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC) en las instituciones educativas es notoria; sin embargo, es aún más importante reconocer cómo son y ...
Match: learning objects

The use of Open Educational Resources in intra-organisational eLearning and continuing education
Andreatos, Antonios; Greener, S.; Rospigliosi, A}.
Sustained learning is a crucial factor of an organisation's ability to survive and effectively compete in the globalisation era worldwide. Continually shrinking half-life periods of knowledge and fast changing ...
Match: learning objects

Extending learning objects by means of social networking
Minguillon, Julia; Rodriguez, M Elena.; Conesa, Jordi; Luo, XF; et al.
Learning objects have been the promise of providing people with high quality learning resources. Initiatives such as MIT Open-CourseWare, MERLOT and others have shown the real possibilities of creating and sharing ...
Match: learning objects