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Designing MOOCs for the support of multiple learning styles
Grünewald, Franka · Meinel, Christoph · Totschnig, Michael · Willems, Christian · Hernández-Leo, Davinia [secondary] · Ley, Tobias [secondary] · Klamma, Ralf [secondary] · Harrer, Andreas [secondary]

ConferenceScaling up Learning for Sustained Impact
SeriesLecture Notes in Computer Science
Volume 8095, Pages 371-382
PublisherSpringer Berlin Heidelberg
CountryGermany, Europe

"Internetworking with TCP/IP'' is a Massive Open Online Course, held in German at openHPI end of 2012, that attracted a large audience that has not been in contact with higher education before. The course followed the xMOOC model based on a well-defined sequence of learning content, mainly video lectures and interactive self-tests, and with heavy reliance on social collaboration features. From 2726 active participants, 38% have participated in a survey at the end of the course. This paper presents an analysis of the survey responses with respect to the following questions: 1) How can a MOOC accommodate different learning styles and 2) What recommendations for the design and organization of a MOOC can be concluded from the responses? We finally give an outlook on challenges for the further development of openHPI. Those challenges are based on didactical and technical affordances for a better support of the different learning styles. We propose an evolution of the xMOOC, that bridges the gap to the cMOOC model by developing tools that allow users to create diverging paths through the learning material, involve the user personally in the problem domain with (group) hands-on exercises and reward user contributions by means of gamification.

Keywords active learning · culture of participation · gamification · learning styles · massive open online courses

Published atBerlin, Heidelberg
RightsSpringer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2013
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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Making sense of MOOCs: The evolution of online learning in higher education
Uvalić-Trumbić, Stamenka; Daniel, Sir John; Hernández-Leo, Davinia; Ley, Tobias; et al.
To make sense of MOOCs and understand the evolution of online learning in higher education we must go back to times long before the Internet was invented. Only in this way can we understand the gradual evolution of ...
Match: Hernández-Leo, Davinia; Ley, Tobias; Klamma, Ralf; Harrer, Andreas; Europe

Analysing the impact of built-In and external social tools in a MOOC on educational technologies
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MOOCs have been a disruptive educational trend in the last months. Some MOOCs just replicate traditional teaching pedagogies, adding multimedia elements like video lectures. Others go beyond, trying to engage the ...
Match: Hernández-Leo, Davinia; Ley, Tobias; Klamma, Ralf; Harrer, Andreas

An attempt at MOOC localization for Chinese-speaking users
Che, Xiaoyin; Luo, Sheng; Wang, Cheng; Meinel, Christoph; Hasso Plattner Institute, Potsdam, Germany
Internetworking with TCP/IP is a massive open online course (MOOC) provided by Germany-based MOOC platform ―openHPI‖, which has been offered in German, English and – recently – Chinese respectively, with similar ...
Match: Meinel, Christoph; Germany

From low-scale to collaborative, gamified and massive-scale courses: Redesigning a MOOC
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A social learning space grid for MOOCs: Exploring a FutureLearn case
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Collaborative and social engagement promote active learning through knowledge intensive interactions. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are dynamic and diversified learning spaces with varying factors like flexible ...
Match: Hernández-Leo, Davinia; Europe

Blended learning with MOOCs: Towards supporting the learning design process
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Gamification: A key determinant of massive open online course (MOOC) success
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