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2017 State of the commons - Creative commons
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation [corporate] · Anonymous [corporate] · Arcadia Fund [corporate] · Argosy Foundation [corporate] · Brin Wojcicki Foundation [corporate] · Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation [corporate] · CouponFollow [corporate] · eCampusOntario [corporate] · Eric Saltzman and Victoria Munroe Charitable Fund [corporate] · Ford Foundation [corporate] · Google [corporate] · Institute of Museum and Library Services [corporate] · John S. and James L. Knight Foundation [corporate] · Mozilla [corporate] · Private Internet Access [corporate] · Re:Create Coalition [corporate] · Samuel H. Kress Foundation [corporate] · Stewart J. Guss [corporate] · Vadasz Family Foundation [corporate]

PublishedAugust 2018
PublisherCreative Commons

This year’s highlights include the launch of the CC Certificates program, the Bassel Khartabil Memorial Fund and Fellowship (awarded at the Global Summit), the new Rights Back Resource for creators to reclaim their creative work, and stories from teams as far away from each other as Tanzania, Canada, and Uruguay.

Keywords Canada · CC Certificates · Columbia · Community Activities Fund · infographic · Jordan · OER adoption models · OER policy · OER production · open education · Tanzania · UnCommon Women

RefereedDoes not apply
RightsAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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eCampusOntario strategic plan 2016-2018
Online and technology-enabled learning continues to evolve and grow providing increasing access and opportunities for learners to pursue education in fl exible ways to meet their needs. In 2013, the Ministry of Advanced ...
Match: eCampusOntario; Canada

Understanding the impact of OER: Achievements and challenges
Hoosen, Sarah; Butcher, Neil; Knyazeva, Svetlana
The publication “Understanding the Impact of OER: Achievements and Challenges” is the result of partnership between the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (UNESCO IITE) and OER Africa, an ...
Match: Canada; OER policy; Tanzania

The Canada OER group: Saving students money from coast to coast
Beattie, Erin
To combat the inflated prices of textbooks across Canada, many provinces are working together towards a common goal – to save students money....
Match: eCampusOntario; Canada

Access Copyright: 2017 annual report
Access Copyright
Annual report contains the President and CEO's report, the "York University Decision", legal updates, innovation updates and the financial report.
Match: Canada

Cours en ligne ouverts et massifs : État des lieux et adoption au Canada français: Guide et bilan de l'impact des cours en ligne ouverts et massifs (CLOM) au Canada Francophone
Grégoire, Robert; European Association for Distance Teaching Universities
Match: Canada

Investigating the perceptions, use, and impact of open textbooks: A survey of post-secondary students in British Columbia
Jhangiani, Rajiv; Jhangiani, Surita
Unrelenting increases in the price of college textbooks have prompted the development and adoption of open textbooks, educational resources that are openly licensed and available to students free of cost. Although ...
Match: Canada

Access Copyright: 2012 annual report
Access Copyright
Annual report contains the Co-chair and Executive Director's report, the "2012 year in review", and the financial report.
Match: Canada

The use of free online educational resources by Canadian emergency medicine residents and program directors
Purdy, Eve; Thoma, Brent; Bednarczyk, Joseph; Migneault, David; Sherbino, Jonathan
Online educational resources (OERs) are increasingly available for emergency medicine (EM) education. This study describes and compares the use of free OERs by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada ...
Match: Canada

As good or better than commercial textbooks: Students’ perceptions and outcomes from using open digital and open print textbooks
Jhangiani, Rajiv S.; Dastur, Farhad N.; Le Grand, Richard; Penner, Kurt
The increase in the cost of college textbooks together with the proliferation of digital content and devices has inspired the development of open textbooks, open educational resources that are free, openly licensed, and ...
Match: Canada

Reviewing copyright? Check the history
Nair, Meera
As MPs begin their review of the Copyright Act, they must look objectively at what has transpired over the last few years in this policy area. Related Articles
Match: Canada