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Narrativa transmídia e sua potencialidade na educação aberta
Gosciola, Vicente · Versuti, Andrea · Okada, Alexandra [secondary]

Secondary titleRecursos educacionais abertos e redes sociais: Co-aprendizagem e desenvolvimento profissional
PublisherSite do livro REA e Redes Sociais, CoLearn/Open University

Este capítulo trata da conceituação e de sua aplicação como Recurso Educacional Aberto (REA) da narrativa transmídia, transmedia storytelling, considerando-a como um recurso diferenciado para contar estórias ampliadas também no campo educacional, pressupondo a intensa interatividade do sujeito com a interface e a profícua interação dos sujeitos envolvidos no seu processo comunicacional.

Published atLondred
Other informationNarrativa transmídia e sua potencialidade na educação aberta
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Open educators and colearners as DJs: Reuse, remix, and recreate OER collaboratively!
Okada, Alexandra; Leslie, Scott; Scott, Peter J.; Okada, Alexandra; Connolly, Teresa
The aim of this chapter is to examine key factors for facilitating the development of reusable learning content (RLC) from the perspective of open educators and collaborative learners (colearners). Reusability is an ...
Match: Okada, Alexandra

Coaprendizagem através de REA e Mídias Sociais
Okada, Alexandra; Mikroyannidis, Alexander; Meister, Izabel; Little, Suzanne; Okada, Alexandra
Match: Okada, Alexandra

Redrawing the boundaries in online education through media literacy, OER, and web 2.0: An experience from Brazil
de Siqueira, Alexandra Bujokas; Rothberg, Danilo; Prata-Linhares, Martha Maria; Connolly, Teresa; et al.
This chapter presents lessons learnt after reflecting on a distance learning course based on Web 2.0 tools, which was promoted in order to teach visual communication concepts to students on a teaching degree programme ...
Match: Okada, Alexandra

Collaborating over rich media: The Open University and BBC partnership
Lane, Andy; Law, Andrew; Connolly, Teresa; Scott, Peter J.; Okada, Alexandra
Open Educational Resources comprise many types of assets, including rich media. However, dynamic rich media offer different opportunities and challenges for learners, teachers, and higher education institutions alike ...
Match: Okada, Alexandra

Adapting and sharing open educational resources: a social networking approach
Mikroyannidis, Alexander; Okada, Alexandra; Connolly, Teresa
Open educational resources (OER) have recently emerged as an answer to the need for open and reusable educational material, freely available online. This paper describes a social networking approach in adapting and ...
Match: Okada, Alexandra

OpenLearn research report 2006-2008
McAndrew, Patrick; Santos, A.; Lane, Andy; Godwin, Stephen; et al.
This report takes the experience of OpenLearn over its two-years of operation to reflect on what it means to offer free resources and the issues that we have been able to explore and learn from. The structure of the ...
Match: Okada, Alexandra

Knowledge cartography for open sensemaking communities
Buckingham Shum, Simon; Okada, Alexandra; McAndrew, Patrick
Knowledge Cartography is the discipline of visually mapping the conceptual structure of ideas, such as the connections between issues, concepts, answers, arguments and evidence. The cognitive process of externalising ...
Match: Okada, Alexandra

OERopoly: Collaborative learning about Open Educational Resources through game-playing
Connolly, Teresa; Connolly, Teresa; Okada, Alexandra; Scott, Peter J.
The Open Educational Resources (OER) community supports the belief that knowledge is a public good and, combined with technological advancement, can provide an extraordinary opportunity to help equalize the distribution ...
Match: Okada, Alexandra

Adapting OER for professional communities: The teacher education in Sub-Saharan Africa experience
Wolfenden, Freda; Buckler, Alison; Connolly, Teresa; Scott, Peter J.; Okada, Alexandra
Much is written of the potential of Open Educational Resources (OERs) to contribute to improvements in the quality of and access to education, particularly in environments such as Sub-Saharan Africa. But some of the ...
Match: Okada, Alexandra

Designing Open Educational Resources through Knowledge Maps to enhance Meaningful learning
Okada, Alexandra; Connolly, Teresa
This paper demonstrates some pedagogical strategies for developing Open Educational Resources (OERs) using the knowledge mapping tool Compendium. It also describes applications of Knowledge Maps to facilitate meaningful ...
Match: Okada, Alexandra