Comparing institutional MOOC strategies : 2015 country report Finland
Goes-Daniels, Miriam · Lehto, Teija · Jansen, Darco

PublishedAugust 2016
PeriodicalPages 1-44
CountryFinland, Europe

This country report of Finland on the MOOC strategies covers only nine of the 28 higher education institutions (HEIs) operating in the sector of Ministry of Education and Culture in Finland in 2015. The Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) audits all of these nine HEIs on a regular basis. Moreover, eight of the Finnish HEIs, which responded to the 2015 MOOC survey, were universities of applied sciences, and only one was a university with scientific research orientation. The two most prominent Finnish research universities, the forerunners of the Finnish MOOCs, University of Helsinki and Aalto University, did not participate in the survey. For these reasons, much of the input needed to conduct a valid analysis of the state of MOOCs in Finland, is missing in this report. At the time of writing this article University of Helsinki alone has nine MOOCs actively running on their (2016) platform. Aalto University also has a few MOOCs on their MOOC platform, A few of the Finnish universities of applied sciences (UASs), which have implemented MOOCs, did not respond to the survey either. Despite all these flaws, we think that analysing the data on MOOC strategies, collected from nine Finnish HEIs, is worthwhile and highly interesting. The results of the 2015 MOOC survey seem to reflect the prevailing opinions about MOOCs in the Finnish UASs in general. For instance, in the network of the Finnish Online University of Applied Sciences (, experiences have been shared, and best practices on MOOCs have been exchanged in webinars and project meetings. The experiences presented in these occasions support the results of the surveys, and the analysis presented in this article.

Keywords best practices · higher education · MOOC research · MOOC survey

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