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What is open pedagogy?
Wiley, David

PublishedOctober 2013
Type of workblog post
PeriodicalEdition October 21, 2013, Volume 2016
Publisheriterating toward openness

Other number2016-10-27
RefereedDoes not apply
Access date2016-10-27
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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Student perceptions of open pedagogy: An exploratory study
Hilton III, John; Wiley, David; Chaffee, Reta; Darrow, Jennifer; et al.
With the increasing development and adoption of Open Educational Resources, many researchers and practitioners are interested in more carefully examining pedagogies connected with their use. This study describes the ...
Match: Wiley, David; open pedagogy

Defining OER-enabled pedagogy
Wiley, David; Hilton III, John
The term “open pedagogy” has been used in a variety of different ways over the past several decades. In recent years, its use has also become associated with Open Educational Resources (OER). The wide range of ...
Match: Wiley, David; open pedagogy

Using OER in Asia: Factors, Reforms and Possibilities
Traxler, John
Open Educational Resources (OER) are frequently advocated as an educational panacea, an educational technology that can be transported and transferred, reused and revised, to address the global shortage of high-quality ...
Match: pedagogy; open

The four ‘R’s of openness and ALMS analysis: Frameworks for open educational resources
Hilton, John; Wiley, David; Stein, Jared; Johnson, Aaron
A significant movement in education concerns the use of open educational resources. By ‘open’ it is generally meant that the resource is available at no cost to others for adaptation and reuse in different contexts. ...
Match: Wiley, David

A preliminary exploration of the relationships between student-created OER, sustainability, and students success
Wiley, David; Webb, Ashley; Weston, Sarah; Tonks, DeLaina
This article explores the relationship between open educational resources (OER) created by students for use by other students, the long-term sustainability of the movement toward OER, and the success of students who use ...
Match: Wiley, David

Substituting Open Educational Resources for Commercial Curriculum Materials: Effects on Student Mathematics Achievement in Elementary Schools
Hilton III, John; Larsen, Ross; Wiley, David; Fischer, Lane
Open Educational Resources (OER) have the potential to replace commercial learning materials in education. An empirical examination of this potential was conducted, comparing the end-of-year mathematics test results of ...
Match: Wiley, David

Open textbooks and increased student access and outcomes
Feldstein, Andrew; Martin, Mirta; Hudson, Amy; Warren, Kiara; et al.
This study reports findings from a year-long pilot study during which 991 students in 9 core courses in the Virginia State University School of Business replaced traditional textbooks with openly licensed books and ...
Match: Wiley, David

Dramatically bringing down the cost of education with OER
Wiley, David; Green, Cable; Soares, Louise
Match: Wiley, David

The RISE framework: Using learning analytics to automatically identify open educational resources for continuous improvement
Bodily, Robert; Nyland, Rob; Wiley, David
The RISE (Resource Inspection, Selection, and Enhancement) Framework is a framework supporting the continuous improvement of open educational resources (OER). The framework is an automated process that identifies ...
Match: Wiley, David

Why openness in education?
Wiley, David; Green, Cable; Oblinger, Diana
In this chapter, we explore a number of ways openness affects the practices of teaching and learning and the motivations behind supporters of these emergent practices. We discuss the three principal influences of ...
Match: Wiley, David