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Architecture of a MOOC: Video lectures, best practices, and content
Prabhakar, T. V.

PublishedSeptember 2014
CourseMOOC on MOOC
PublisherCommonwealth of Learning (COL), Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK)
CountryIndia, Asia

Week 2: Architecture of a MOOC, module 1 of the MOOC on MOOC course offered by the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) & Commonwealth of Learning (COL) in September 2014. This resource contains a video link, slides as well as a document of the transcript. // MOOC on MOOC explores key concepts, methods and practices in the MOOC paradigms. It is meant for both a non-technical and technical audience.

Keywords course material · learning material · massive open online course

Published atBurnaby, British Columbia
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2014_Prabhakar_MOOConMOOC_Wk2_InsideaMoocContent_Slides.pdf · 136.5KB12 downloads
2014_Prabhakar_MOOConMOOC_Wk2_InsideaMoocContent_Transcript.pdf · 166.4KB11 downloads

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MOOC platforms: Flipped classroom
Prabhakar, T. V.
Week 4: MOOC Platforms, module 1 of the MOOC on MOOC course offered by the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) & Commonwealth of Learning (COL), September 2014. This resource contains a video link, slides as ...
Match: Prabhakar, T. V.; course material; learning material; massive open online course; India; Asia

MOOC platforms: mooKIT
Prabhakar, T. V.
Week 4: MOOC Platforms, module 5 of the MOOC on MOOC course offered by the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) & Commonwealth of Learning (COL), September 2014. This resource contains a video link and slides. ...
Match: Prabhakar, T. V.; course material; learning material; massive open online course; India; Asia

The MOOC landscape: Taxonomy/Ecology
Prabhakar, T. V.
Week 1: The MOOC Landscape, module 2 of the MOOC on MOOC course offered by the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) & Commonwealth of Learning (COL) September 2014. This resource contains a video link, slides as ...
Match: Prabhakar, T. V.; course material; learning material; massive open online course; India; Asia

MOOC platforms: Coursera, edX, Udacity
Prabhakar, T. V.
Week 4: MOOC Platforms, module 4 of the MOOC on MOOC course offered by the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) & Commonwealth of Learning (COL), September 2014. This resource contains a video link, slides as ...
Match: Prabhakar, T. V.; course material; learning material; massive open online course; India; Asia

MOOC platforms: China online
Prabhakar, T. V.
Week 4: MOOC Platforms, module 7 of the MOOC on MOOC course offered by the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) & Commonwealth of Learning (COL), September 2014. This resource contains a video link and slides. ...
Match: Prabhakar, T. V.; course material; learning material; massive open online course; India; Asia

What does it cost to run?: Do it yourself recording for MOOCs
Prabhakar, T. V.
Week 3: What Does It Cost to Run?, module 8 of the MOOC on MOOC course offered by the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) & Commonwealth of Learning (COL), September 2014. This resource contains a video link. ...
Match: Prabhakar, T. V.; course material; learning material; massive open online course; India; Asia

How to run a MOOC: Management of a MOOC
Prabhakar, T. V.
Week 5: How to Run a MOOC, module 4 of the MOOC on MOOC course offered by the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) & Commonwealth of Learning (COL), September 2014. This resource contains a video link, slides as ...
Match: Prabhakar, T. V.; course material; learning material; massive open online course; India; Asia

What does it cost to run?: NPTEL Online courses and certification
Prabhakar, T. V.
Week 3: What Does It Cost to Run?, module 4 of the MOOC on MOOC course offered by the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) & Commonwealth of Learning (COL), September 2014. This resource contains a video link, ...
Match: Prabhakar, T. V.; course material; learning material; massive open online course; India; Asia

What does it cost to run?: MITx - The learning revolution
Prabhakar, T. V.
Week 3: What Does It Cost to Run?, module 9 of the MOOC on MOOC course offered by the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) & Commonwealth of Learning (COL), September 2014. This resource contains a video link, ...
Match: Prabhakar, T. V.; course material; learning material; massive open online course; India; Asia

What does it cost to run?: Quality attributes of a MOOC platform
Prabhakar, T. V.
Week 3: What Does It Cost to Run?, module 2 of the MOOC on MOOC course offered by the Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) & Commonwealth of Learning (COL), September 2014. This resource contains a video link ...
Match: Prabhakar, T. V.; course material; learning material; massive open online course; India; Asia