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Edtech developers to create open educational resources
Lestch, Corinne

Published17 April 2015
Publisheredscoop, Scoop News Group
CountryUnited States, North America

Ten content developers will compete to create prototype open educational resources, which are openly-licensed lesson plans and materials that can be used and modified by teachers.

Keywords Edtech · Education IT News · K-12 OER Collaborative · OER · Open Educational Resources · the learning accelerator

Published atWashington, D.C
RefereedDoes not apply
RightsCopyright 2018 Edscoop. All rights reserved.
Access date3/15/2018
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Math education startup selected to make openly licensed content
Lestch, Corinne
Illustrative Mathematics, a 4-year-old company that offers lesson plans and assessments, was picked by the Learning Accelerator to develop open educational resources for middle school math classes.
Match: Lestch, Corinne; Edtech; Education IT News; K-12 OER Collaborative; Open Educational Resources; United States; North America

Federal leaders push for open license educational resources
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Obama administration officials pushed for more online educational content to be licensed for free and made available to the public at an event Wednesday at the New America Foundation.
Match: Lestch, Corinne; Edtech; Education IT News; Open Educational Resources; United States; North America

Digital equity main theme of tech directors conference
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Panelists at the State Educational Technology Directors Association conference focused on how kids across all income levels can be prepared for college and career with access to digital tools.
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OpenStax grows in popularity, but overall awareness of OER remains low
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Higher ed faculty are increasingly turning to OpenStax for low-cost, openly licensed printed and digital materials for their students.
Match: Lestch, Corinne; Education IT News; OER; Open Educational Resources; United States; North America

Free, open educational content gaining ground in schools
Lestch, Corinne
A California nonprofit organization is looking for vendors to create Open Educational Resources, which would lower costs in schools but some say could upend the $8 billion-a-year educational content and textbook ...
Match: Lestch, Corinne; K-12 OER Collaborative; OER; Open Educational Resources; United States; North America

School districts to use openly licensed online content over textbooks — officials
Lestch, Corinne
The agency announced Thursday that 10 school districts will replace at least one textbook with openly licensed educational content. Copyrighted materials created with federal money will also be open.
Match: Lestch, Corinne; Education IT News; OER; Open Educational Resources; United States; North America

Exclusive: Former Education Dept. advisor brings OER skills to Mass. school
Lestch, Corinne
Andrew Marcinek, who led the Open Educational Resources movement at the Department of Education, will put his experience into practice as CIO at Worcester Academy.
Match: Lestch, Corinne; Education IT News; OER; Open Educational Resources; United States; North America

American University is latest to shift toward OER to make college more affordable
Lestch, Corinne
Through the Open Textbook Network, AU students can access hundreds of free, openly licensed textbooks.
Match: Lestch, Corinne; Education IT News; OER; Open Educational Resources; United States; North America

Exclusive: Education officials to announce access to openly licensed content for educators
Lestch, Corinne
The Department of Education, along with major technology companies, are slated to announce that federally funded educational materials will be openly licensed to the public.
Match: Lestch, Corinne; Education IT News; OER; Open Educational Resources; United States; North America

Teachers shift to open content over textbooks – report
Lestch, Corinne
Three out of four teachers say they use openly licensed educational content instead of textbooks, according to a TES Global survey.
Match: Lestch, Corinne; Education IT News; OER; Open Educational Resources; United States; North America