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Credentials for open learning: Scalability and validity
Hoffman, Mika and Olmsted, Ruth

PublishedOctober 2018
JournalInternational Journal of Open Educational Resources
Volume 1, Issue 1, Pages 1-4
CountryUnited States, North America

The authors of this study advocate separating credentialing from the learning process as a path to greater scalability and better measurement of what independent learners learn from OER. They address the challenge of matching/aligning OER offerings with standardized exams as a way for independent learners to access academic credit, and explore ways to achieve consensus among educational institutions about what academic credit means and which types of evidence to accept in terms of learning that occurred outside a particular institution. The study begins with an overview of credit by examination, contrasting the standardized testing approach with the classroom teaching approach to academic credit. The process for creating exams and the accompanying materials that make clear to potential test-takers what the learning objectives, are briefly described. Next, a methodology is developed for building the bridge between OER and the exam. Finally, policy issues around exam acceptance-for-credit are discussed in addition to accepting exams for credit and envisioning a future in which learners can receive transferable credentials in a cost-effective, efficient and valid manner.

Keywords credentials · credit · OER · Open Educational Resources · open learning · scalability · transfer credit · validity

RightsAttribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
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