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Development of OERs through international collaboration E-QUAL case study
Gupta, Parul

PublishedNovember 2016
ConferencePan-Commonwealth Forum 8 (PCF8)
PublisherCommonwealth of Learning (COL)
CountryIndia, Asia

Development of Open Education Resources (OER) is similar to product development and it requires due attention to get the final product. Generally, the focus is laid on the final product and not on the process. However, emphasis is required to integrate process and product development. It is critical to think through a few firsts before jumping straight into product development (developing OERs). For an assured optimum outcome, a few essentials need to be thought through and planned - manpower, content, learning design model, assessment framework, technological infrastructure, functional consistency, sustainability, dissemination strategy, etc. The process and product integration becomes all the more important when the product development is not linked to single institution. This paper deals with the case of E-QUAL project (a European Union funded project implemented in partnership with 4 Indian Universities and 2 Universities from EU, with British Council being the lead partner in the role of project management) where the OERs being developed in different time zones and in geographically spread facilities with an objective to have the final product on a common platform, the daunting task of aligning all the pieces into the final product - a classic case study of product and process integration. This paper would focus on the E-QUAL case study, about the various decision points and the importance of process and product integration. The paper will draw out from the EQUAL experience and will share the best practices and lessons learnt. It will facilitate in the knowhow of OER development and international collaboration with geographically dispersed partners.

Keywords assessment · collaboration · consortium · MOOC · need analysis · OER · pedagogy

Published atBurnaby, British Columbia
RightsAttribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0)
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