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Innovation with Open Educational Resources: An integrative review of drivers, barriers and enablers
Farrow, Robert · Iniesto, Francisco · Pitt, Beck · Weller, Martin · Bossu, Carina

Published26 January 2025
JournalJournal of Open, Distance, and Digital Education
Volume 1, Issue 2, Pages 1-41
CountryUnited Kingdom, Europe

Open Educational Resources (OER) are frequently interpreted as supporting educational innovations across a range of delivery styles. However, the mechanisms for OER innovation are underexplored in the scientific literature. This paper offers an integrative literature review (N = 210) exploring innovation with OER in publications from 2015-2023, focusing on described drivers, barriers and enablers. Cases from all countries and implementation levels are considered, with an emphasis on qualitative factors. Results are synthesised into six categories (Structural, Systematic & Contextual Factors; Pedagogical Practice; Information, Awareness & Attitude; Resourcing & Sustainability; Technology & Infrastructure; Policy & Culture) with drivers, barriers and enablers mapped for each. We find that many studies refer to ‘innovation’ in ambiguous ways, and there is a need for more consistent ways of describing innovation practices that use OER. Many OER implementations experience barriers to innovation when an OER proposition requires institutional change or pedagogical adaptation. In addition, outside of English-speaking countries, translation and localisation remain highly significant barriers to innovation. There are many relevant barriers and enablers which are related to information and awareness, suggesting that these could be key to unlocking innovative practice. Many enablers of OER innovation emphasise greater openness in terms of pedagogical practice, open technologies and community engagement. Since many enabling factors involve interplay between stakeholders, a need for holistic case studies describing OER innovation in relation to wider networks is implied.

Keywords OER · innovation · drivers · barriers · enablers · policy

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