Establishing a MOOC quality assurance framework - a case study
Published | December 2019 |
Journal | Open Praxis Volume 11, Issue 4, Pages 451-460 |
Country | Italy, Europe |
The rapidly growing number of learning materials and repositories makes the issue of how to find the most relevant and best quality resources to be integrated in teaching and learning offers. Thus, effective quality assessment tools are more and more needed. In the present paper, a case-study focusing on quality assurance in a Virtual Mobility (VM) international project is presented. VM stands for ICT supported activities, organized at higher institutional level, that makes possible or facilitate international, collaborative experiences in a context of teaching and/or learning. Different approaches were combined to ensure the quality of a specific MOOC and the OERs created to promote VM. Three main macro-indicators were identified for OERs evaluation: 1. Quality, 2. Appropriateness, and 3. Technical aspects. Each project partner was invited to search, select and peer-assess OERs related to the skills necessary to be engaged in VM. First results of the peer-review activity and future directions to ensure OpenVM OERs and MOOC quality are presented.Keywords | virtual mobility · OER · MOOCs · quality assurance framework |
Language | English |
ISSN | 2304-070X |
Refereed | Yes |
Rights | CC BY-SA |
DOI | 10.5944/openpraxis.11.4.1019 |
URL | |
Export options | BibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar |
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