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Open educational resources and the Belt and Road initiative
Chang, Ting-Wen · Tlili, Ahmed · Yang, Junfeng · Huang, Ronghuai

Published25 March 2020
Book titleCurrent state of open educational resources in the “Belt and Road” countries
Chapter 1, Pages 3-13
SeriesLecture notes in educational technology
PublisherSpringer, Singapore
CountryChina, Asia

With the rapid advance of technologies, new ways of learning have emerged. One of these ways is open learning using Open Educational Resources (OERs). Several researchers have then reported several advantages of using OER in learning. To further facilitate the OER adoption worldwide, several initiatives have been launched. One of these initiatives is the OER Belt & Road. Therefore, this chapter further explains the term OER and presents an OER framework of eight factors to be considered by researchers while discussing OER in their context. Finally, this chapter presents the Belt & Road initiative launched by China to further support OER adoption and use in the Belt & Road countries.

Keywords open educational resources · OER · open education · Belt and Road initiative · policy

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Open Educational Resources and Practices in China: A Systematic Literature Review
Tlili, Ahmed; Huang, Ronghuai; Chang, Ting-Wen; Nascimbeni, Fabio; Burgos, Daniel
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The evolution of sustainability models for Open Educational Resources: insights from the literature and experts
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Survey and reflection of open education policies
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Factors shaping lecturers' adoption of OER at three South African universities
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Open access and OER in Latin America: A survey of the policy landscape in Chile, Colombia and Uruguay
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Taming the Monster: How can Open Education Promote the Effective and Safe use of Generative AI in Education?
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Open educational resources (OER) usage and barriers: A study from Zhejiang University, China
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