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Assessing the potential for openness: A framework for examining course-level OER implementation in higher education
Judith, Kate and Bull, David

PublishedJanuary 2016
JournalEducation Policy Analysis Archives
Volume 24, Issue 42, Pages 1-19
CountryAustralia, Oceania

The implementation of open educational resources (OER) at the course level in higher education poses numerous challenges to education practitioners—ranging from discoverability challenges to the lack of knowledge on how to best localize and utilize OER as courseware. Drawing on case studies of OER initiatives globally, the article discusses field-tested solutions to addressing those challenges at the faculty level, the programmatic level, and institutional level. The article concludes with an ontological framework that highlights the importance of weighing the efficiencies afforded by a higher level of institutional control in OER implementation efforts, with the need for individual freedom on behalf of faculty to creatively use and adapt OER.

Keywords case studies · collaboration · higher education · instructional materials and practices · OER · Open Educational Resources · public policy · reusability

RightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)
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