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Open Educational Resources (OER)-based flipped classroom practice in an undergraduate course
Li, Yan · Zhang, Muhua · Bonk, Curtis J. · Zhang, Wenjun · Guo, Yuqing

PublishedJuly 2016
Book titleLearning and Knowledge Analytics in Open Education: Selected Readings from the AECT-LKAOE 2015 Summer International Research Symposium
Chapter 9, Pages 109-123
PublisherSpringer International Publishing
EditorsLai, Feng-Qi and Lehman, James D.
CountryChina, Asia

The purpose of this study was to explore the process and effectiveness of Open Educational Resources (OER)-based flipped classroom practice in an undergraduate course named "Internet and Distance Education.'' The course was taught in Winter Semester, 2013 at the Zhejiang University, China to 15 undergraduate students majoring in education. The course was designed as a Web-based and blended course, which mainly included two parts. In the first 5 weeks of the course, students were invited to take a Coursera course named "Emerging Trends {&} Technologies in the Virtual K-12 Classroom.'' In the last 6 weeks of the course, students were invited to learn Sakai-based course chapter contents and complete an OER-related assignment. Flipped classroom practices were utilized during the whole course. Data analysis found that participating students generally progressed through four stages in the OER-based flipped classroom: (1) being unfamiliar, (2) understanding, (3) adapting, and (4) becoming skilled. At the same time, students emotionally shifted from excitement and nervousness to relaxation, happiness, and confidence. Diary analysis and a general e-learner satisfaction survey found that students were generally satisfied with the OER-based flipped classroom practice. In their diaries, some students also put forward several suggestions for this form of instruction. Based on the findings, several suggestions to improve OER-based flipped classroom practices are offered.

Keywords e-learning satisfaction · flipped classroom · higher education · massive open online courses · MOOC · OER · Open Educational Resources

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Rights© Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2017
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