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Gamification in MOOC
Gené, Oriol Borrás · Núñez, Margarita Martínez · Blanco, Ángel Fidalgo

PublishedOctober 2014
ConferenceProceedings of the Second International Conference on Technological Ecosystems for Enhancing Multiculturality - TEEM '14
Pages 215-220
PublisherACM Press
EditorGarcía-Peñalvo, Francisco José
CountrySpain, Europe

The phenomenon of MOOC (Massive Online Open Courses) is increasingly experienced and is challenged by very low completion rates. There are a large number of students who drop out of the course, so it is necessary to find new ways to motivate these students and get them to complete the course. This paper proposes a model to motivate MOOC's students based on gamification using the most attractive and addictive elements of games in environments that are not for play.

Keywords education · MOOC

Published atSalamanca, Spain
Export optionsBibTex · EndNote · Tagged XML · Google Scholar

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From low-scale to collaborative, gamified and massive-scale courses: Redesigning a MOOC
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Despite the success of MOOCs to promote open leaning, they are usually criticized for their high drop-out rates and behaviorist pedagogical approach. Some active learning strategies, such as collaboration and ...
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Gamification in MOOCs: A review of the state of the art
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A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) is a type of online learning environment that has the potential to increase students' access to education. However, the low completion rates in MOOCs suggest that student engagement ...
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Graphic classes in the worldwide classroom: A comparison of two MOOC experiences
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Evaluation of the UNED MOOCs implementation: Demographics, learners' opinions and completion rates
Gil-Jaurena, Inés; Callejo-Gallego, Javier; Agudo, Yolanda
The paper is a study about the MOOC experience at the Spanish National University of Distance Education (UNED), where we have collected initial and final information about learners' profiles and opinions, as well as ...
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Gamification in MOOCs to enhance users' goal achievement
Antonaci, Alessandra; Klemke, Roland; Stracke, Christian M.; Specht, Marcus
Gamification in engineering education has been applied with success in the last years. Also, Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) are recognized as a good strategy to enhance engineering education. Nevertheless, MOOCs ...
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Validation of non-formal MOOC-based learning: An analysis of assessment and recognition practices in Europe (OpenCred)
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This report presents the outcomes of research, conducted between May 2014 and November 2015, into emerging practices in assessment, credentialisation and recognition in Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs). Following ...
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Gamification: A key determinant of massive open online course (MOOC) success
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