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Digital learning management systems in Africa: Myths and realities
Unwin, Tim · Kleessen, Beate · Hollow, David · Williams, James B. · Oloo, Leonard Mware · Alwala, John · Mutimucuio, Inocente · Eduardo, Feliciana · Muianga, Xavier

PublishedJanuary 2010
JournalOpen Learning: The Journal of Open, Distance and e-Learning
Volume 25, Issue 1, Pages 5-23

This paper reports on a survey of 358 respondents across 25 African countries into their usage of learning management systems. It concludes that while there are some enthusiastic advocates of such systems, the reality is that most African educators as yet have little knowledge about, or interest in, their usage. There remain very considerable infrastructural constraints to be overcome before they can be widely adopted for open and distance learning across the continent, and there is still reluctance in many institutions to develop systems that can enable learning resources to be made available in this way. This does not mean that the potential of high‐quality digital learning management systems should be ignored in Africa, but rather that much more sustained work needs to be done in human capacity development and infrastructural provision if African learners are truly to benefit from the interactive learning experiences that such systems can deliver.

Keywords Africa · ICT · LMS · OER · universities

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