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Conversation is the key : A short history of
Harris, Beth and Zucker, Steven

PublishedSeptember 2010
ConferenceUOC, OU, BYU

ABSTRACT is a proven, sustainable model for open educational resources in the Humanities. We discuss lessons learned during its agile development. is a free, creative-commons licensed, multi-media web-book designed as a dynamic enhancement or substitute for the traditional art history textbook. It uses conversation instead of the impersonal voice of the typical textbook in-order to reveal disagreement, emotion, and the experience of looking. The listener remains engaged with both the content and the interaction of the speakers. These conversations model close looking and a willingness to encounter and engage the unfamiliar. Smarthistory takes the inherent dialogic and multimedia nature of the web and uses it as a pedagogical method. This extendable Humanities framework uses an open-source content management system making Smarthistory inexpensive to create, and easy to manage and update. Its chronological timeline/chapter-based format integrates new contributions into a single historical framework, a structure applicable across the Humanities.

Keywords art · art history · conversation · humanities · instruction · Khan Foundation · learning · Open Educational Resources · Smarthistory · sustainability · teaching methods · textbooks

Published atBarcelona
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Open textbook adoption and use: Implications for teachers and learners
Petrides, Lisa; James, Cynthia; Middleton-Detzner, Clare; Walling, Julie; Weiss, Shenandoah
The Community College Open Textbook Project (CCOTP) was developed to support the use of textbooks that are freely available and accessible online, and that can be adapted by teachers and learners to meet their unique ...
Match: Open Educational Resources; sustainability; teaching methods; textbooks

Expanding approaches for understanding impact: integrating technology, curriculum, and open educational resources in science education.
Ye, Lei; Recker, Mimi; Walker, Andrew; Leary, Heather; Yuan, Min
This article reports results from a scale-up study of the impact of a software tool designed to support teachers in the digital learning era. This tool, the Curriculum Customization Service (CCS), enables teachers to ...
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A practice-oriented review of learning objects
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Reusable learning objects support packaging of educational materials allowing their discovery and reuse. Open educational resources emphasize the need for open licensing and promote sharing and community involvement. ...
Match: learning; Open Educational Resources

The adoption of Open Educational Resources by one community college math department
Wiley, David A.; Robinson, Jared; Clark, Phil; Gaudet, Donna; et al.
The high cost of textbooks is of concern not only to college students but also to society as a whole. Open textbooks promise the same educational benefits as traditional textbooks; however, their efficacy remains ...
Match: Open Educational Resources; sustainability

Building open educational resources from the ground up: South Africa's free high school science texts
Petrides, Lisa; Jimes, Cynthia
The relatively new field of open educational resources (OER) is just now receiving more widespread attention and study. As such, there have been few opportunities thus far to share knowledge across program, ...
Match: Open Educational Resources; sustainability

Open educational resources: Inquiring into author use and reuse
Petrides, Lisa; Nguyen, Lilly; Jimes, Cynthia; Karaglani, Anastasia
For teachers and learners, the proliferation of Open Educational Resources (OER) in combination with advances in information technologies has meant centralised access to materials and the possibility of creating, using, ...
Match: Open Educational Resources; sustainability

Open educational resources: Staff attitudes and awareness
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Attitudes are changing in education globally to promote the open sharing of educational courses and resources. The aim of this study was to explore staff awareness and attitudes toward ‘open educational resources’ ...
Match: Open Educational Resources; sustainability

Understanding the impact of OER: Achievements and challenges
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The publication “Understanding the Impact of OER: Achievements and Challenges” is the result of partnership between the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies in Education (UNESCO IITE) and OER Africa, an ...
Match: Open Educational Resources; sustainability

Open-access textbooks and financial sustainability: A case study on flat world knowledge
Hilton, John Levi; Wiley, David A.
Many college students and their families are concerned about the high costs of textbooks. A company called Flat World Knowledge both gives away and sells open-source textbooks in a way it believes to be financially ...
Match: Open Educational Resources; sustainability

How to foster sharing of educational resources?
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