OER Knowledge CloudConference ProceedingsShared task on prediction of dropout over time in Massively Open Online CoursesShared task on prediction of dropout over time in Massively Open Online Courses20142014/10Rosé, Carolyn P.Siemens, GeorgeMOOCMOOC researchMOOC attritionQatar39-41The shared task on Prediction of Dropout Over Time in MOOCs involves analysis of data from 6 MOOCs offered through Coursera. Data from one MOOC with approximately 30K students was distributed as training data and consisted of discussion forum data (in SQL) and clickstream data (in JSON format). The prediction task was Predicting Attrition Over Time. Based on behavioral data from a week’s worth of activity in a MOOC for a student, predict whether the student will cease to actively participate after that week. This paper describes the task. A full write up of the results is published separately (Rosé & Siemens, 2014).http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W/W14/W14-41.pdf#page=46http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/W/W14/W14-41.pdf#page=46Siemens and Rose Proceedings 2014.pdfDoha, Qatar