OER Knowledge CloudWeb ArticleAlexander the MOOC landsAlexander the MOOC lands20142014/05Rogers, Guy M.WellesleyXMOOC completion rateMOOChigher educationedXUnited StatesInside Higher EdMay 28, 2014 - 6:40am2014Higher Ed Beta: MOOCs and beyondAlmost four months ago my EdX/WellesleyX course, “Was Alexander Great?” was launched to test three questions about online education: whether a Massive Open Online Course could be as intellectually rigorous as a brick and mortar history course; whether a MOOC could serve as a portal for both teaching and historical research; and whether an online course could engage and inspire students. The data are in and the answer to all three questions is an emphatic yes.does not applyhttp://www.insidehighered.com/blogs/higher-ed-beta/alexander-mooc-lands#sthash.b55BFClD.dpbshttp://www.insidehighered.com/blogs/higher-ed-beta/alexander-mooc-lands#sthash.b55BFClD.dpbsUnited States, North America