OER Knowledge CloudBook ChapterThe advancement of lifelong learning through Open Educational Resources in an open and flexible (self) learning contextThe advancement of lifelong learning through Open Educational Resources in an open and flexible (self) learning context2007Mulder, FredWikiversitywikiUNESCOOER definitionMITLifelong Learningweb 2.0UKOUOpenERMORILengICDE Standing Conference of Presidents SCOP, Open Universiteit1–10The concept of Open Educational Resources has become one of the most relevant themes in the educational world. In this context, ICDE has decided to launch a new initiative: the ICDE Global Task Force on Open Educational Resources (OER). The task force will produce a report to be presented to the members at the SCOP meeting in Heerlen.http://www.ou.nl/Docs/Campagnes/SCOP/OER_paper_by_Fred_Mulder.pdfhttp://www.ou.nl/Docs/Campagnes/SCOP/OER_paper_by_Fred_Mulder.pdfEurope