OER Knowledge CloudJournal ArticleRecognising achievement with badges and blockchain in a connectivist MOOCRecognising achievement with badges and blockchain in a connectivist MOOCDownes, StephenWhile previous work has recognized the potential for open badges and blockchain to play a role in online courses, this potential has yet to be realized in a fully decentralized cMOOC. This paper describes the design objectives of an application that integrates open badges and blockchain with a cMOOC. The work described was undertaken during the offering on an online course, and thus development took place in an actual course context with interaction with course participants. The full workflow from course content to storage on the blockchain is described, and some concluding comments are offered on the results of this course, and the potential for future applications.20192019/11/19EnglishCommonwealth of LearningJournal of Learning for Development63273-288Canadahttps://jl4d.org/index.php/ejl4d/article/view/3482311-1550yesMOOCcMOOCbadgeblockchainWebmentionRSSdecentralisedeLearningeducational technologyhttps://jl4d.org/index.php/ejl4d/article/view/348348-Article Text-1953-6-10-20191115.pdfCanada, North America