OER Knowledge CloudThesisRecognition of MOOCs certifications to teach and learn EnglishReconocimiento de Certificaciones de MOOCs Para Ensenar Y Aprender InglesRecognition of MOOCs certifications to teach and learn EnglishRecognition of MOOCs certifications to teach and learn EnglishRivera Loera, David ArfaxadMedina Mayagoitia, Norma IsabelLemus Hidalgo, Maria EstherMercado-Varela, Martin AlonsoToday trends in foreign language teaching have been influenced by the frequent advances of the technological revolution that have been framed in the knowledge society, stimulating educational systems to explore different modalities from the traditional, such as the innovative designs like Massive Open Online Courses. However, the recognition of the certifications of these courses in a subject that has been constantly questioned, which is why this document aims to know the expectations and utilities of MOOC certifications in English teaching and learning, as well as to now the scope and limitations in labor and academic areas from the perspective of the institution that offered the course as well as the participants enrolled to them....20192019/05Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes1-152Mexicohttp://bdigital.dgse.uaa.mx:8080/xmlui/bitstream/handle/11317/1713/437039.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=ydoes not applyESLforeign language teachingMOOCMOOC research437039 (1).pdfhttp://bdigital.dgse.uaa.mx:8080/xmlui/bitstream/handle/11317/1713/437039.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=yAguascalientes, Mexico, North America