OER Knowledge CloudWeb ArticlePerspectives on the open access discovery landscapePerspectives on the open access discovery landscapeFahmy, SarahOpen access discovery tools enable users to find scholarly articles that are available in open form, whether on a publisher’s website or elsewhere. This is a technically-challenging endeavour and also requires a deep understanding of the scholarly communications landscape, the underpinning infrastructure and the needs of widely different stakeholder groups such as researchers, publishers, service providers and the general public.20192019/04/24JiscUnited Kingdomhttps://scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org/wp/2019/04/24/perspectives-on-the-open-access-discovery-landscape/does not applycontent discoveryOA discovery toolsOA supportopen accesshttps://scholarlycommunications.jiscinvolve.org/wp/2019/04/24/perspectives-on-the-open-access-discovery-landscape/United Kingdom, Europe