OER Knowledge CloudWeb ArticleThe range of B.C. research on openThe range of B.C. research on openBeattie, ErinB.C. research on open can be clustered around several themes: open textbooks, open education practices (OEP) including open development, open education resources, open strategy, the broader open landscape, and open scholarship. Most of the research in B.C. has been co-authored, suggesting that there is good collaboration on research projects.20192019/02/21BCcampusCanadahttps://bccampus.ca/2019/02/21/the-range-of-b-c-research-on-open/does not applyOEPOERopen scholarshipopen softwareopen strategyopen textbookshttps://bccampus.ca/2019/02/21/the-range-of-b-c-research-on-open/Canada, North America