OER Knowledge CloudReportOpen access textbook task force final reportOpen access textbook task force final report20102010/02Open Acess Textbooks Task Forcetextbooksnational educational policyhigher educationdistance learningOER historyUnited Stateseng109This report is divided into two sections. Section 1 provides foundational information to understand open access textbooks – a brief chronological history, a definition of relevant terms, and an expanded rationale for open access textbooks. Section 2 presents a plan to promote open access textbooks and their use in Florida, including components mandated in legislation.http://www.theorangegrove.org/pdf/OATTF_Final_Report_All_sections.pdfhttp://www.theorangegrove.org/pdf/OATTF_Final_Report_All_sections.pdfOATTF_Final_Report-1.pdfUnited States, North America