OER Knowledge CloudConference ProceedingsAttrition in MOOC: Lessons learned from drop-out studentsAttrition in MOOC: Lessons learned from drop-out studentsGütl, ChristianRizzardini, Rocael HernándezChang, VanessaMorales, MiguelUden, LornaSinclair, JaneTao, Yu-HuiLiberona, DarioDespite the popularity of Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), recent studies have found that completion rates are low with some reported to be significantly lower than 10%. The low retention and completion rates are major concerns for educators and institutions. This paper investigates motivations for enrolling in a MOOC on the topic of 'e-learning' and discusses reasons for the attrition rates during the course. A survey of 134 students who had not completed the MOOC reveals that only 22% of the students had intended to complete the MOOC but was unable to due to various factors including academic and personal reasons. A big majority of the students indicated that changes in their job, insufficient time, difficulty with the subject matter and unchallenging activities are some of the reasons for the drop-out.20142014/09Springer International Publishing44637-48Chilehttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-10671-7_4https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-319-10671-7_4978-3-319-10671-7attrition ratecompletion ratemassive open online courseretention ratehttps://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007%2F978-3-319-10671-7_4Santiago, Chile, South America