OER Knowledge CloudReportState educational technology goals and plan 2017 – 2022State educational technology goals and plan 2017 – 2022Connecticut Commission for Educational TechnologyIntroduction Technology holds great potential and has proven a powerful force in supporting teaching and learning at all levels in Connecticut. Linking schools through high-speed data networks, personalizing and making learning engaging on scale, and leveraging data to inform instruction have all stemmed from, and could not exist without, the effective and creative use of technology. In fact, while educational technology was once seen as a novel “addon,” it has become a constant amid often changing trends, nomenclature, and even pedagogy in education. In most learning environments, technology is becoming less of a separate practice area and more as an element that enables and helps measure every aspect of learning and professional practice. With the evidence and promise of technology to further education in our state, the Commission for Educational Technology has developed the goals and initiatives defined in this plan. They reflect research-based best practices, national and international standards, and the expert guidance of thought leaders from across our state who represent a diversity of constituents. This document includes both broad, long-term goals as well as detailed initiatives already underway. The Commission’s work over time will continue to align with and support the shared goals of our stakeholders while producing deliverables with measurable results in such forms as increased engagement, expanded access to resources, and greater efficiencies. The specific activities of any particular period will vary, but all will support the long-term goals of our state.20172017/06/26Connecticut Commission for Educational TechnologyVersion 1.01-20http://www.ct.gov/ctedtech/lib/ctedtech/2017-18_Strategic_Plan_1-0.pdfdoes not applydigital curationgovernmental policyhigher educationK-12OER digital literacyOER platformOpen Source Textbook Working Group2017-18_Strategic_Plan_1-0.pdfhttp://www.ct.gov/ctedtech/lib/ctedtech/2017-18_Strategic_Plan_1-0.pdfHartford, CT