OER Knowledge CloudWeb ArticleThe Project Kaleidoscope Open Course Initiative at Mercy College, New York, USAThe Project Kaleidoscope Open Course Initiative at Mercy College, New York, USAMcGreal, RoryParticipants from the original seven partner institutions of KOCI soon realized that developing courses from scratch would be too time-consuming, as this requires months of negotiation with curriculum committees at each institution. Therefore, new approaches to instructional design were implemented that consisted of teams creating common formative and summative assessments. At Mercy College, faculty introduced two KOCI-created modules (rather than full courses) in collaboration with other institutions and colleagues in their learning community. One module was focused on critical reading and the other one on math competencies. The modules followed a different trajectory for their implementation. The different approaches to integration of OER by faculty were the subject of regular meetings, so they could share their strategies. These meetings were identified as key to the success of the project. This article discusses the benefits, challenges and potential of implementing OER at this institution. More articles can be found at Contact North/Contact Nord: https://teachonline.ca/tools-trends/open-education-resources-oer-applications-around-world/taxonomy-term20182018/01/16Contact North/Contact Nord2018United Stateshttps://teachonline.ca/tools-trends/project-kaleidoscope-open-course-initiative-mercy-college-new-york-usadoes not applyOER modulescourse creationcase studyhttps://teachonline.ca/tools-trends/project-kaleidoscope-open-course-initiative-mercy-college-new-york-usaUnited States, North America