OER Knowledge CloudBookBeyond the language classroom: Researching MOOCs and other innovationsBeyond the language classroom: Researching MOOCs and other innovations20172017/07Kan, QianBax, StephenMOOCslanguage learninglanguage educationlanguage appsinnovative pedagogyinformal language learningResearch-publishing.net1-1691-908416-52-1, 978-1-908416-52-0With the rise of the internet and new communication technologies, language learning has moved beyond the classroom walls. This volume presents a range of important studies on innovative ways for learning languages outside the classroom. Chapters discuss MOOCs in the UK, Belgium, China, and Italy for studying a range of languages, research on new apps, flipped classroom modes, and approaches to informal learning in a range of international settings. In these ways, the volume offers a significant contribution to our understanding of how learning beyond the language classroom will transform language education in the decades to come.yes10.14705/rpnet.2017.mooc2016.9781908416537http://oro.open.ac.uk/49951/http://oro.open.ac.uk/49951/978-1-908416-53-7.pdf