OER Knowledge CloudWeb ArticleDarakht-e Danesh Online Library revolutionises education in AfghanistanDarakht-e Danesh Online Library revolutionises education in Afghanistan20172017/01Oates, Lauryntranslationsonline library tutorialsOERK-12 educatione-learningdigital repositorybilingual OERAfghan booksAfghanistanPendar DailyFriday, January 27, 20172017We created the Darakht-e Danesh (‘knowledge tree’) Online Library, Afghanistan’s first comprehensive digital educational resource collection. We saw technology as offering a shortcut to building the quality of teaching and learning in Afghan schools. By giving teachers direct access to knowledge resources in their own language, we can support an improved quality of teaching: enhancing teachers’ subject-area knowledge and fostering more diverse teaching methodologies in order to improve learning outcomes in Afghan classrooms.does not applyhttp://pendardaily.com/darakht-e-danesh-online-library-revolutionizes-education-in-afghanistan/http://pendardaily.com/darakht-e-danesh-online-library-revolutionizes-education-in-afghanistan/Afghanistan, Asia