OER Knowledge CloudReportOpenCases: Case studies on openness in educationOpenCases: Case studies on openness in education20162016/06Souto-Otero, Manueldos Santos, Andreia InamoratoShields, RobinLažetić, PredragMuñoz, Jonatan CastañoDevaux, AxelleStephaniOberheidtPunie, YvesSPOCsopen teachingopen researchopen educationOER policyMOOCsICThigher educationgovernmental policyeducationcase studiesAcademic policyPublications Office of the European Union1-124978-92-79-58536-4OpenCases is a study which is part of the OpenEdu Project. It is a qualitative study consisting of a review of literature on open education and nine in-depth case studies of higher education institutions, a consortium of universities, a private organisation and a national initiative. It analysed the rationale and enabling conditions for involvement in open education, open education activities, strategies, impact, challenges and prospects. The main outcome of the study is evidence that a large number of OERs have reached many learners. However, completion rates for MOOCs are low. Accreditation is not formalised and in general their effect on employability is not measured.does not apply10.2791/039825https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/publication/eur-scientific-and-technical-research-reports/opencases-case-studies-openness-educationhttps://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/publication/eur-scientific-and-technical-research-reports/opencases-case-studies-openness-educationjrc101533_opencases case studies on openness in education.pdf