OER Knowledge CloudReportGrand challenges for learning analytics and open & online educationGrand challenges for learning analytics and open & online education20152015/11Manderveld, JocelynBaas, Marjonvan Hees, JaninaJacobi, RiaSchuwer, RobertOuwehand, Martijnde Vries, Fredvan der Woert, Nicolaiopen educationonline educationOER researchLMSlearning analyticsNetherlandsSURFnet70-74This contribution addresses the challenges that are encountered when learning analytics is applied within open and online education. Firstly, the prospects of learning analytics within open and online education will be described, before detailing the challenges that we must face during the large-scale application of learning analytics within open and online education. Finally, an indication will be given of how we should proceed. This article is a revision of the SURF report ‘Grand Challenges for Learning Analytics and Open and Online Education – a Study’yeshttps://www.surf.nl/binaries/content/assets/surf/en/knowledgebase/2015/trend-report-open-and-online-education-2015.pdfhttps://www.surf.nl/binaries/content/assets/surf/en/knowledgebase/2015/trend-report-open-and-online-education-2015.pdfManderveld.pdfNetherlands