OER Knowledge CloudReportBattle of conceptsBattle of concepts20152015/11Jelgerhuis, HesterBaas, Marjonvan Hees, JaninaJacobi, RiaSchuwer, RobertOuwehand, Martijnde Vries, Fredvan der Woert, Nicolaionline learningLMSNetherlandsSURFnet42-43SURF organised a Battle of Concepts in the spring of 2015 in an effort to challenge students and young professionals to submit creative answers to the following question: “How can we apply new or existing ICT applications more intelligently in order to personalise higher education?” A remarkably large percentage of the submissions revolved around concepts relating to freely accessible online education and the sharing of learning materials.yeshttps://www.surf.nl/binaries/content/assets/surf/en/knowledgebase/2015/trend-report-open-and-online-education-2015.pdfhttps://www.surf.nl/binaries/content/assets/surf/en/knowledgebase/2015/trend-report-open-and-online-education-2015.pdfJelgerhuls.pdfNetherlands, Europe