OER Knowledge CloudReportInternationalising students in their own countriesInternationalising students in their own countries20152015/11Hobbes, Hendrik JanBaas, Marjonvan Hees, JaninaJacobi, RiaSchuwer, RobertOuwehand, Martijnde Vries, Fredvan der Woert, NicolaiteleconferencingSPOCsESLNetherlandsSURFnet26In February 2015, Nuffic published a report on the potential for offering students an international experience at their host institution in the Netherlands. According to the outcomes, many institutions are currently still exploring the options while their lecturers do not always feel up to the challenge. As a part of the ‘Internationalisation at Home’ (IaH) initiative, various online projects aimed at stimulating collaboration between students from various countries are currently being established.yeshttps://www.surf.nl/binaries/content/assets/surf/en/knowledgebase/2015/trend-report-open-and-online-education-2015.pdfhttps://www.surf.nl/binaries/content/assets/surf/en/knowledgebase/2015/trend-report-open-and-online-education-2015.pdfHobbes.pdfNetherlands, Europe