OER Knowledge CloudBookOpen Data as Open Educational Resources: Case studies of emerging practiceOpen Data as Open Educational Resources: Case studies of emerging practice20152015/11Bacsich, PaulStojanovska, ElenaRubio, María JoséMoneo, AntonioGarcía, GeraldineCampbell, LornaAyris, PaulIzbudak, MehmetBarros, JoanaPiedra, NelsonRodés, VirginiaCaeiro, ManuelZazani, EleniCharles, ElizabethScrollini, FabrizioMarsh, DawnMartín, SantiagoHavemann, LeoAtenas, JavieraOERhandbookfeatureddatacommunicationUnited KingdomOpen Knowledge, Open Education Working Group1-81Open Data as Open Educational Resources: Case studies of emerging practice is the outcome of a collective effort that has its origins in the 5th Open Knowledge Open Education Working Group call, in which the idea of using Open Data in schools was mentioned. The intention of this book is to showcase good practices in an approachable way that can be understood by those who are not necessarily very familiar with open data or data analysis, in order to promote the use of open data as OER to educators, researchers and other organisations.yes10.6084/m9.figshare.1590031http://education.okfn.org/open-data-as-open-educational-resources-case-studies-of-emerging-practice/http://education.okfn.org/open-data-as-open-educational-resources-case-studies-of-emerging-practice/Book_Open_Data_as_Open_Educational_Resources.pdfLondon, United Kingdom