OER Knowledge CloudWeb ArticleThe MOOC model: Challenging traditional educationThe MOOC model: Challenging traditional education20132013/01Mazoue, James G.degree grantingMOOC qualityMOOC business modelEDUCAUSEreview2015Key Takeaways A turning point will occur in the higher education model when a MOOC-based program of study leads to a degree from an accredited institution — a trend that has already begun to develop. Addressing the quality of the learning experience that MOOCs provide is therefore of paramount importance to their credibility and acceptance. MOOCs represent a postindustrial model of teaching and learning that has the potential to undermine and replace the business model of institutions that depend on recruiting and retaining students for location-bound, proprietary forms of campus-based learning.does not applyhttp://er.educause.edu/articles/2013/1/the-mooc-model-challenging-traditional-educationhttp://er.educause.edu/articles/2013/1/the-mooc-model-challenging-traditional-education