@techreport { title = {A qualitative investigation of faculty Open Educational Resource usage in the Washington Community and Technical College System: Models for support and implementation}, year = {2015}, month = {01/2015}, author = {Chae, Boyoung and Jenkins, Mark and Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges}, keywords = {qualitative research, OER policy, OER challenges, OER benefits, OER}, country = {United States}, address = {Washington}, publisher = {Washington State Board for Community & Technical Colleges}, pages = {1-38}, abstract = {This report is based on interviews with 60 faculty in Washington’s community and technical college system which was built upon a previous state-wide survey with 770 faculty. Faculty were queried about: * how and why they chose to use OER * six benefits (including student savings) * six challenges of using OER * nine supports from college and statewide stakeholders that could help them to expand their OER use}, refereed = {does not apply}, url = {https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4eZdZMtpULyZC1NRHMzOEhRRzg/view}, attachments = {FINAL_OER_USE_WA_CTC.pdf}, }