@techreport { title = {Managing Open Access publication: A system specification}, year = {2015}, month = {01/2015}, author = {Stephens, Owen}, keywords = {open access publishing, open access Academic Outputs}, country = {United Kingdom}, publisher = {Jisc Monitor}, pages = {1-19}, abstract = {The outcome of this work was a document describing a system that could help UK HE institutions manage administrative data in relation to the publication of open access Academic Outputs. The document includes: * A description the scope of such a system and the workflows it should support * A description of an appropriate data model given the scope and workflows * A number of illustrative wireframes for a user interface (UI) to such a system}, refereed = {does not apply}, url = {http://jiscmonitor.jiscinvolve.org/wp/files/2015/01/CopyofManagingOpenAccessPublicationasystemspecificationforblog.pdf}, attachments = {ManagingOpenAccessPublicationasystemspecificationforblog.pdf}, }