@article { title = {Persuading faculty to select open textbooks}, year = {2014}, month = {09/2014}, author = {Beshears, Fred}, keywords = {open textbooks, open courseware, libraries}, publisher = {Innovation Memes}, volume = {2014}, pages = {blog-posted on September 16th, 2014}, abstract = {This one starts with the assumption that high quality, open, online textbooks are already available. It then points out that since faculty don't have to pay for the textbooks they select for their courses, they don't have a monetary incentive to select open textbooks. Finally, it describes a "carrot model" schools could employ to give faculty a financial incentive to select open textbooks.}, refereed = {does not apply}, url = {http://innovationmemes.blogspot.ca/2010/09/persuading-faculty-to-select-open.html}, }