@report { title = {The open government partnership: Announcing new open government initiatives as part of the Second Open Government National Action Plan for the United States of America}, year = {2014}, month = {09/2014}, keywords = {U.S. Digital Service, privacy protection, open source software policy, open education, Big Data}, country = {United States}, address = {Washington, DC}, publisher = {The Government of the United States}, pages = {1-5}, abstract = {The United States is building upon the commitments in the existing Second Open Government National Action Plan to include four new and expanded initiatives that align with the Open Government Partnership (OGP) grand challenge areas of Improving Public Services and Increasing Public Integrity. These additional initiatives will contribute to existing efforts to make the United States government more open, transparent, and accessible to the public: * Promote Open Education to increase awareness and engagement * Deliver government services more effectively through information technology * Increase transparency in spending * Use Big Data to support greater openness and accountability}, refereed = {does not apply}, url = {http://www.whitehouse.gov/sites/default/files/microsites/ostp/new_nap_commitments_report_092314.pdf}, attachments = {new_nap_commitments_report_092314.pdf}, }