@article { title = {Do open educational resources increase efficiency: A digest by Alex Dunedin}, year = {2014}, month = {03/2014}, author = {Dunedin, Alex}, keywords = {OER, individualized learning, efficiency, custom content, accessibility}, publisher = {The Ragged Project: Knowledge is power but only when it is shared...}, volume = {2014}, abstract = {The Internet and digital technologies have transformed how people learn. Educational resources are no longer static and scarce, but adaptable and widely available, allowing educational institutions, teachers, and learners to actively use, build upon, and share Open Educational Resources. OER enables teachers and students to find the content they know they can use, remix, and reshare–legally. OER helps address problems associated with language and accessibility, and empowers teachers to deliver customized, relevant content to learners, supporting individualized learning and student achievement. Engaging with the global OER community can help save time and money. These are just a few of the ways that Open Educational Resources helps increase efficiency. Please help us out by providing more examples in the comments, or add projects to our Case Studies.}, url = {http://www.ragged-online.com/2014/03/open-educational-resources-increase-efficiency-digest-alex-dunedin/}, }